we make guesses about the future from our experiences up to the present 意味
- (これまでの)経験から未来について推測する
- we We 朕 ちん
- make 1make n. 作り, こしらえ; 形状, 体格; 気質; 製作, でき; 種類, 銘柄; 〔トランプ〕 切りまぜること. 【形容詞 名詞+】
- about about adj. 今にも…しかけて. 【+to do】 The performance is about to begin.
- future future n. 未来, 将来; 見込み, 前途, 将来性; 〔商業〕 先物. 【動詞+】 This will affect his
- from from から より
- our Our 朕 ちん
- experiences experiences 場数 ばかず
- up 1up n. 上昇. 【動詞+】 He has had his ups and downs in life.
- present 1present n. 贈り物, プレゼント. 【動詞+】 Please accept this small present as a token
- the future the future 行く先 ゆくさき 先 せん 先行き さきいき さきゆき 先 さき 来世 らいせ らいせい 以往 いおう 御先 お先 おさき
- up to up to 以下 いか
- the present the present 刻下 こっか 此の世 このよ
- to the present 今日まで
- up to the present up to the present 今まで 今迄 いままで
- have a few guesses about ~についていくらか心当たりがある
- "we maintained (radio) contact with the stricken ship until all the passengers were rescued" 意味
- "we make a discount of…off the prices in the catalogue" 意味
- "we make a fair profit on this line of goods, so we can't complain" 意味